Terms of use
This website belongs to the company EUROVET SAS – RCS Annecy TGI 433 019 189 000 37 – APE code 82.30Z.
Parc des Glaisins
11 rue du Pré Faucon
74 940 ANNECY LE VIEUXinfo@sportair.fr
Tél. 04 58 58 23 00
EUROVET, a simplified joint stock company with a capital of 195 000 €, registered in the Annecy Trade and Companies Register under the number 433 019 189 000 37, located at Parc des Glaisins – 11, rue du Pré Faucon – 74940 ANNECY-LE-VIEUX – FRANCE or info@sportair.fr.
Phone: +33 (0)4 58 58 23 00 : +33 (0)4 58 58 23 00
Director of publication:
The Director of Publication is M. KURTZ.
OVH, Simplified joint stock company, capital of €10,069,020, registered with the Lille Métropole Trade and Companies Registry under the number 424 761 419 00045, whose registered office is located at 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.
Code APE : 2620Z – N° TVA : FR 22 424 761 419
Photo credits:
The photos illustrating the Site are non-contractual.
Credits: Eurovet except special mentions
General terms and conditions of use
These Terms and Conditions of Use (hereinafter the “TOS“) are intended to govern the terms and conditions of use of the site accessible at www.sportair.fr (hereinafter the Site ») published by Eurovet (hereinafter the “Company“).
The User is any person browsing the Site.
Article 1 – Acceptance and modification of the TOS
Use of the Site is subject to compliance with these TOS. All Users acknowledge that they accept the GCU, without reservation, by the sole fact of their use of the Site.
The TOS may be modified by the Company at any time to take into account changes in the Site and changes in applicable regulations. The new version of the TOS will be made available on the Site.
The User is invited to consult them regularly.
Article 2 – Intellectual property
2.1. The Site and each of the elements that make it up and in particular, but not exclusively, texts, trademarks, logos, sounds, music, layouts, supports, icons, and more generally, all visual or sound elements (hereinafter the “Intellectual Property Elements”), are protected by intellectual property rights owned by the Company or of which one or more third parties have transferred the right of use to the Company.
Some of the Intellectual Property may also be the property of third parties who have granted a right of use to the Company.
Except as permitted by law, any reproduction, representation, modification, distribution, adaptation, translation, and/or total or partial transformation, integration with other elements or transfer to another website of all or part of the Intellectual Property Elements without the express prior written authorisation of the Company or of the third parties concerned who own the intellectual property rights is strictly prohibited.
2.2. If necessary, any reproduction previously and expressly authorized must imperatively include the mention: “This document comes from the official site of Sportair– www.sportair.fr. Reproduction rights are reserved and strictly limited.” The section consulted and the date of consultation must also appear in the reference.
2.3. Any violation of these provisions constitutes an infringement within the meaning of the Intellectual Property Code and subjects the offender to the criminal and civil penalties provided for by French law.
2.4. Any introduction of data on the Site, by any process whatsoever, which would modify or be likely to modify the content or appearance of the data, the presentation or organization of the Site or the works appearing on the Site is strictly prohibited.
Article 3 – Hypertext links
3.1. No hypertext link may be inserted on the Site for any reason whatsoever.
Links to a Website disseminating information of an illicit, violent, controversial, pornographic, xenophobic nature and/or infringing the intellectual property rights of a third party and/or damaging the Company’s image and/or reputation are prohibited.
3.2. Any hypertext link pointing to this Site is prohibited without the Company’s prior written authorisation. It may at any time withdraw this authorisation and remove the link if it does not comply with applicable legislation or if the link does not comply with these TOS and other policies of the Company.
3.3. The Site may contain hypertext links redirecting the User to third party websites that are not published by the Company. It exercises no control over these sites and can in no way be held liable for the content published on third party sites or for any damage or injury resulting from navigation on these sites.
Article 4 – Protection of personal data and cookies
4.1. The User is invited to consult the personal data protection policy..
Article 5 – Commitment
5.1. Commitments of the User
5.1.1. The User undertakes to use the Site in accordance with these GCU.
5.1.2. The User acknowledges having the skills and means necessary to access and use the Site, and acknowledges having verified that the computer configuration used does not contain any viruses and that it is in perfect working order.
The User agrees to take all necessary measures to protect his computer system against any contamination by potential viruses and against any attempt at intrusion by third parties.
5.1.3. The User is responsible for any loss or damage, material or immaterial, resulting from the use of the Site.
5.1.4. The User uses the information available on the Site under his exclusive responsibility. It shall, where appropriate, carry out the necessary checks.
5.1.5. The User undertakes not to infringe the rights of third parties or the image of the Company.
As such, the User agrees not to share any content or hypertext link including, but not limited to :
content that is pornographic, paedophilic, violent, obscene or of such a nature as to seriously undermine human dignity ;
contents that infringe the property rights of third parties and/or Sportair ;
content that could be qualified as, or constitute an incitement to : the commission of crimes or offences, discrimination, hatred or violence, in particular on the grounds of race, ethnicity or nation, the glorification of Nazism, contesting the existence of crimes against humanity, undermining the authority of justice, defamation, insult, denigration, invasion of privacy, or acts endangering minors, content intended to display prohibited objects or works, messages of a defamatory, coarse, offensive, violent nature or contrary to the laws in force, messages on tobacco and alcohol, content containing personal contact details and information allowing a precise geographical location (telephone number, address, etc.). ), messages inciting the consumption of prohibited substances or suicide, messages allowing third parties to directly or indirectly obtain pirated software, software serial numbers, software allowing acts of piracy and intrusion into computer and telecommunications systems, viruses and other logic bombs and, in general, any tool or software, messages allowing the rights of others and the safety of persons and property to be infringed in violation of the privacy of correspondence, this list is not exhaustive; Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
a negative or discriminatory connotation (for example, a pseudonym: anti-“X”), a political, religious, fascist, xenophobic, racist, sectarian or similar character, insults, threats, or advertising.
5.1.6. The User undertakes to respect the integrity of the Site. He shall refrain from hindering or forcing the operation of the Site, from modifying, altering or fraudulently deleting the content accessible via the Site and from fraudulently introducing data into the Site.
5.2. Corporate Commitment
5.2.1. The Company makes its best efforts to make the Site accessible.
The unavailability of the Site, whatever the cause, does not entitle the User to compensation.
5.2.2. The Company may not be held liable in the event of force majeure, in the event of network and/or server malfunctions, or breakdowns and maintenance operations necessary for the proper functioning of the site or any other event beyond its control. The Company cannot be held liable for any material or immaterial damage resulting in any way from connection to the Site.
5.2.3. The content of the Site may include errors or inaccuracies despite the Company’s vigilance. The Company undertakes to correct them as soon as possible, but the Site User must carry out all necessary checks and is solely responsible for the use he or she makes of the information available.
Article 6 – Modification of the content of the site
Any aspect of the Site may be modified, supplemented, deleted or updated at any time by the Company.
Article 7 – Contact
Parc des Glaisins – 11, rue du Pré Faucon – 74940 ANNECY-LE-VIEUX – FRANCE ou info@sportair.fr.
Article 8 – Other
Should any of the clauses be declared null and void, it shall be deemed to be unwritten but shall not entail the nullity of the other clauses of these TOU.
Failure by the Company to exercise any of its rights under these TOU shall not constitute a waiver of its rights.
Article 9 – Applicable law – Jurisdiction
8.1. These TOS are subject to French law.
8.2. All disputes that may arise from the application of these TOS and that cannot be previously resolved by amicable settlement are subject, notwithstanding plurality of defendants and / or warranty claims, even for emergency proceedings or protective proceedings in summary proceedings or by petition:
for disputes with one or more individuals, to the jurisdiction of the competent French courts;
for disputes between professionals, to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the jurisdiction in which the Company has its registered office.